At Avid Design Group, LLC, we are pleased to have been chosen to design and develop the website for Twelve World Challenges and be retained as webmasters for their charitable website and cause.  We were approached by Dick Trevlyn to help him creatively present his ideas in supporting 12 separate, monthly causes by offering tee shirts for sale that visually represent each monthly cause where a large percentage of the proceeds go to supporting the cause of the month.

Each month Twelve World Challenges selects worthy charities that fall into one of the 12 monthly causes: animal protection, child abuse, disabled veterans, education, environmental, health, homelessness, hunger, natural disasters, poverty, special needs, and women’s issues.  When you select and purchase one of their custom designed tees, 25% of your purchase amount will be given to help provide support of a one month campaign to raise awareness, funding, and following for that specific charity.

Please visit and support the website designed and developed by Avid Design Group, LLC for Twelve World Challenges at

Avid Design Group, LLC, St. Augustine website design for charity, charity website designers NE fla, Not for profit website design, not for profit website designers, Twelve World Challenges
Website homepage image for Twelve World Challenges -
Posted in: New Projects